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Explore The Picturesque Landscapes Of The 4077th Mobile

MASH Film Set: Discover the Legendary Malibu Creek State Park

Explore the Picturesque Landscapes of the 4077th Mobile

Historic Site and Stunning Natural Beauty

Step into the footsteps of Hawkeye, BJ, and the rest of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital at Malibu Creek State Park. Once the former ranch of 20th Century Fox studios, the park served as the backdrop for the iconic television series "MASH." Today, visitors can embark on a moderate hike to the film set, where they can witness the remnants of the show's legendary structures.

Witness the Film's Legacy

Along the scenic trail, hikers will encounter old army vehicles, evoking the memories of the beloved characters that once occupied the camp. The site remains largely untouched, preserving the authenticity and charm of the original production. As you explore, imagine the camaraderie, laughter, and poignant moments that unfolded in this extraordinary location.

A Star-Studded Cast in a Stunning Setting

The "MASH" film set has witnessed the talents of renowned actors such as Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Tom Skerritt, and Sally Kellerman. Their performances brought the characters to life and etched them into the hearts of viewers worldwide. By visiting the film set, you can experience the legacy of one of the most iconic television shows of all time.
